Higher Energy Efficiency for Kosovo Water Utility

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​​A pilot project in Kosovo to demonstrate energy efficiency has shown that more than 30% of energy costs can be saved through use of high efficiency pumps and reduction of non-revenue water.

The Rural Water and Sanitation Programm is a jointly funded programme by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the Government of Kosovo to improve the capacity of the seven Regional Water Companies in Kosovo, and is implemented by a joint venture between Dorsch International Consultants and local NGO, Community Development Initiatives (CDI).

There are eight components to the Programme including demonstrating how to reduce the cost of energy, which is a significant burden to the water utilities, and in the pilot area selected, cost of electricity considerably exceeded income from water charges.

The Project Team, led by Mario Roidt, reviewed the water network and redesigned pumping stations to install high efficiency pumps together with improved control mechanisms. Another key aspect of the reduction in energy costs has been a concentration on network rehabilitation and removal of illegal connections to reduce non-revenue. In one of the water networks’ four DMAs, water losses were reduced from 86% (!) to below 20%.

These combined measures have shown consistent savings over the last 6 months of 37% in energy consumption and 34% of energy costs, providing much needed savings to the water utility RWC Hidroregjioni Jugor. Acting Director of the Company, Mr. Zenel Zeneli, expressed great satisfaction with the results and said “this project shows us how we can be successful in reducing our energy costs – we are grateful to the project team at Dorsch/CDI”.

Dorsch Team Leader, Alan Brown noted “This good result has exceeded our expectations on electricity and cost savings and is an excellent example of how our Programme can improve water services in Kosovo”.

Contact: <link mail window for sending>Alan.Brown@dorsch.de​

Kosovo project team @ work