The inauguration ceremony for Shkabaj water treatment plant at Pristina in Kosovo took place on March 17th 2017. The inauguration of the plant was followed by public and presswith great interest.
Pristina with more than 200,000 inhabitants is the largest city in Kosovo. It is the political, economic and cultural center of the republic. The infrastructure of the city is overstrained by a significant population increase after the war. Particularily the drinking water supply of the population is inadequate and the water suffers from partly poor quality. The newly constructed plant will supply the metropolitan area of Pristina with sufficient drinking water in highest quality according to EU standards for 24 hours a day.
The Regional Water Company Prishtina (RWCP) has commissioned Dorsch International in Joint Venture with SWECO Hydroprojekt in early 2013 with the design and construction supervision of the plant and the associated water distribution network. The project is financed by the European Union and KfW (Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau).
Improved Drinking Water for Prishtina
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