Dorsch Gruppe participates at the VDI symposium "Deconstruction of bridges"

Prof. Dr. Jan Akkermann, CEO Management Board Europe, is chairing the VDI symposium on deconstruction of bridges from 3 to 5 May 2023 in Frankfurt am Main. The conference is hosted by VDI Wissensforum GmbH.

Project engineer Florian Lulla and Division Manager Philipp Fuchs from Dorsch International will participate as speakers. Their lecture in German language will take place on the first conference day, 03.05.2023, from 13.40 on the subject
"Obernau weir on the River Main - deconstruction of the weir footbridge and river pier in the water" on the following topics:

- Project presentation of the overall measure "New construction of the Obernau barrage".

- Task of dismantling the Obernau weir

- Special boundary conditions for deconstruction in water

- Basic deconstruction options in the water and selected solution

Prof. Dr. Jan Akkermann and Florian Lulla will both moderate sessions (in German) in the World Café on May 4th.

We are looking forward to an interesting exchange.