Airport Melville Hall (DOM): Access Improvement
Currently the development of tourism and other industries is constrained by inadequacy of regional air links and airport services, specifically the current inability to service same-day connections to a number of destinations, and the failure of the Islands airports to satisfy the physical, equipment and operational Standards and recommended practices (SARPS) of the ICAO.
To achieve compliance with ICAO requirements, and to accelerate the development of the regional tourism sector with the intention that it becomes the main economic activity for job creation and foreign exchange generation, it is placed great emphasis on improving air access to Dominica. The main purpose of the Melville Hall airport upgrading project is to improve accessibility
by air transport between Dominica and Caribbean region and between Dominica and the rest of the world.
The upgrading / expansion of the terminal building, car park and access road will provide improved passenger comfort and safety as well as 500 meter extension of the runway; to meet the forecasted demand up to 2010. The Installation of night landing and navigational aids should facilitate night landing and reduce overall risk associated with the operation of the airport. This would have the effect to significantly improving the opportunity for same day connections to Dominica from Key tourist markets.
Other works like construction of the Runway, End safety Areas (RESA), removal of high ground and other obstructions, will ensure that the airport conforms to International safety standards.
- Airports
European Union / European Development Fond
From 2005 to 2009
Melville Hall, Dominica